Check Out Karen Weitz’s Story
Today we’d like to introduce you to Karen Weitz.
Hi Karen, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
I am a reiki master, sound alchemist and quantum healer. I also utilize Chinese energy medicine and Akashic Record reading in my practice.
My journey began when I was five years old. I was was present for my grandmothers transition. I saw the light when she passed. I remember as tho it was yesterday. I was confused because as grew up I was told that people who passed saw the light However, I remember watching Oprah and there was a segment on near death experiences. People spoke of such a light. Oprah asked if anyone else could see it and the guest said yes children. It is because they are still open at that age. That’s when I understood what had happened.
I went to UC Irvine and my path lead me to becoming a stockbroker. I was terrible at selling but great at managing others. The problem was people would sit and process so much that I didn’t get much work done. I ultimately decided I wanted to help people in a different way and went to massage school. Such a departure from finance but it made sense to me. I began working at my husband’s chiropractic office doing massage but really doing energy work The problem was I didn’t know how to manage the energy I felt working from so many people. I had to stop and focused more on my children and their needs as parents do. However I was always playing sound bowls for them or helping people with processing without it being a business As they got older I decided to start a practice and discovered how to manage being an empath and utilizing my intuition, Reiki followed and then Akashic Record reading. It’s all energy to me. just use different ways of tapping into it depending on the situation and needs of my clients.
I have always been intuitive. Later I realized that I could channel and information would just flow through very easily. I’m always amazed at what comes through for each client. Im what is called Claircognizant and Crlairscentient. I feel and know… I’ve trusted that knowing my entire life and I know that it works for me and now my clients. I’m also an empath which I found difficult for many years. Again not knowing how to exist in a world where I feel everything. Feeling energy has always been easy for me so once I discovered the Akashic Records which is an energy field of past present and future lifetimes I was all in. I often bounce in and out of the Akashic and my intuition.The Akashic is beautiful because it is so clear to me. I love Reiki and sound… The very first Soundbath I attended, I felt the vibrations so intensely. I knew I wanted to work with that modality The healing power of sound combined with Reiki is magical. I’ve always been that person that people would sit and talk to so I’ve really been helping people my entire life. It is my greatest joy to see the shift in energy when people are open to the experienced and allow themselves to see things from a new perspective.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
I’m really a go with the flow person most of the time. I seem to attract those people who need what I call my kind of medicine. The greatest obstacle for me is that not everyone wants to shift so when it comes to family, friends or just people I meet I’ve learned to allow them their journey and do not interfere. I used to jump in but not everyone wants or needs what I have to offer. So I had to learn to let everyone have their own process. That is challenging when I get information flowing to me. It’s my process to honor everyone’s own path
Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I suppose I’m most known for making people feel better, hopeful and clear. Sometimes it is just a conversation where I Impart my intuition. Other times I’m doing a full-out session with Reiki and sound. healing I would say my sound healing is what gets people in the door a lot of times. My sound baths are shamanic in nature. Always different. I play to the group and channel what needs to be played in order to achieve what is needed. So many shifts happen. I combine crystal alchemy bowls, Tibetan bowls, gongs and many other instruments creating a sound journey. I do private soundbaths as well.
As a Reiki master, I’m able to infuse reiki in the sound and always love to put my hands on people. Your body has so much to say. I’ve become an Akashic reader master where I tap into your soul’s journey past present and future. It’s a different energy than when I’m being intuitive so I offend channel from the records and from my intuition or from the client themselves. I have Information that is wanting to come through but maybe the client isn’t hearing it for many reasons. I’ve also been trained in Chinese energy medicine. I love it all. Everything is energy and the information is available for us to learn, grow and heal. We bury so much in our bodies. We are taught to tuff it out, bury it away and suck it up.
Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen without consequences. The consequences start with feeling out of alignment not quite yourself and it grows from there. Ultimately my sessions often combine modalities. It just depends on what each person is looking for
I am most proud of the way people come in often heavy or confused and maybe said or depressed. They walk out the door with a new light and clarity. Most important, they know what it’s like to feel balanced. Once that happens, they have a stronger ability to recognize their own abilities to heal or reach out when they are off-balanced.
What do you like best about our city? What do you like least?
I am a native to Los Angeles. So it is always home to me. People are so open to trying new things. I love that. We also have the best weather and the beach is just so close. The beach is a place of healing and it’s in our backyard. We have everything at our fingertips. Sun, ocean, trees and good healthy food. What a gift. The most challenging part of living in Los Angeles is the traffic. I often say don’t rush to relax and then rush back home. I used to go to a meditation that I loved at 5:00. I’d rush in traffic to meditate. That did not feel very good. So Im cognizant of time and make sure people come to me at a time that makes sense
$140 for a private session. I will usually assess what is needed. I can combine sound, reiki, and an intuitive read. It varies upon the need so sootiness I do only one or combo 2-3 things. I charge by the time
$140 Akashic reading. This is more time-consuming but I still find a way to include some sound to anchor in the information
$175 and up for private groups depending on the number and or location. I can come to you or come to me
The private groups are sound baths and or Akashic readings
Contact Info:
Instagram: @Karenweitz